Rockstar is Preparing to Compensate All Those Affected By GTA’s Online Issues Posted by Matt Byrd (10/11/2013 @ 10:45 am)
The problems with”GTA Online” may be getting played out to a meme like level, but it doesn’t change the fact that the first week or so with the game was rough. While the connection problems and various glitch annoyances may have been the face of the issue, the growing reports of players losing their characters and in game assets entirely quickly became the most troubling news to come from the whole incident. It’s also one that Rockstar didn’t seem to have an answer to as the reports grew and grew. Now, however, it appears a solution is available, as Rockstar has announced that it will be giving everyone who played the game since launch $500,000. That’s in-game cash of course, though with the sales numbers for the game, they could probably swing that in real currency as well. The funds will be available to any players who’ve accessed “GTA Online” in the month of October, and will be distributed in two deposits of $250,000 to players bank accounts when a patch is released in early November. While this may not restore the level progress of some players who lost their original characters, all things considered this is about as generous of a compromise as could be expected, and should set up most users nicely. Oh, and if you’re debating whether or not to buy that luxury apartment or the luxury sports car with your recent influx of cash, I say hold off until the in-game stock market is working, and invest in real estate which will be on the rise after everyone starts buying places to live with their winnings. That’s how the 1% would do it. The Biggest Games Still to Come In 2013 Posted by Matt Byrd (09/18/2013 @ 2:00 pm) As much as I love “GTA V” (which, if you were wondering, is more than waking up to all the presents you wanted for the year on a white Christmas morning), trying to find video game news not related to Rockstar’s magnum opus is becoming quite the epic adventure itself. Since the ghosts of video game present are a little tied up at the moment building their shooting skills (got to hit up Ammunation), to find something non “GTA” related to talk about, we’ll have to look towards the future. It’s been something of an odd year for video games as even though it has seen some of the most high quality games in recent memory, they all seem to have been released early on, rather than continuing the traditional holiday season release rush. As such, while we may have a pretty good idea how the game of the year talks will shape up, here are some of the biggest games still left to get excited about, once your “GTA” addiction has subsided. Watch Dogs
What was one of the most touted games on the video game horizon has slipped a little bit in hype due to some questionable current gen graphics shown in a recent gameplay video, and something of a media silence since the last E3 showing, but still remains the biggest name left in 2013. It’s easy to say that its got an even tougher path to glory in a post “GTA V” world, but while it may be an open world game, it’s unique hacker mechanics and the possibilities they provide when it comes to interacting with the world in previously unexplored ways, makes “Watch Dogs” more of an original superhero style game in the vein of “Crackdown” or “Infamous.” Obviously when you’re mentioned in the company of such titles you’ve got some raised expectations to try to clear, but so far “Watch Dogs” looks primed to provide a unique and memorable experience at the least. Batman: Arkham Origins
While “Origins” initially drew concern from fans who were unsure if the “Arkham” name could maintain its level of excellence away from developer Rocksteady, the more and more we discover about this game, the easier it is to get excited for it. Drawing more design cues from the “Mega Man” series than any previous “Arkham” installments, “Origins” will see the dark knight take on some of the highest profile members of his rouge gallery on his never ending quest to save Gotham City. Though it serves as a prequel to the high profile original titles, “Origins” looks to take Batman games in an interesting new direction that mixes old school gaming ideas with previous series features, and some fresh ideas (including an intriguing multiplayer mode), to form a best of all worlds experience. Like “Watch Dogs,” this ones has some lofty goals to live up to, but appears to be coming together well. Beyond Two Souls
Continuing the trend of wild card games that could really go either way on the quality scale, this spiritual successor to “Heavy Rain” is already causing some seriously divided discussion. “Beyond Two Souls” continues to look like a different game every time we see it and, even as more and more of the game’s basic plot becomes clear, remains shrouded in mystery regarding what the overall product will look like and play like. We do know that fans of “Heavy Rain” will be happy to hear that it retains the interactive film gameplay of that title, while detractors will no doubt roll their eyes at the same news. Quantic Dream has proven that they know how to create a game that differentiates itself from every other on the market, and can get people talking, with their distinctive style of game design. While it would be easy then to say that you can use your reaction to their previous games as a gauge for how excited to be towards this one, given the ambitious and exciting nature of “Beyond,” it may well be worth a trip outside of your comfort zone. South Park: The Stick of Truth
As someone who suffered through the dreadful “South Park” games of the PS1 and N64 days, its hard to imagine that an adaption of the influential animated series could actually prove to be something worth getting excited for. Yet that is exactly the situation I find myself in. Surviving the closure of THQ, “Stick of Truth” has continued to look better and better with every showing. In marrying the series with basic RPG elements, developer Obsidian Entertainment has found the perfect outlet to showcase the deep cast of memorable characters, and ever expanding list of scenarios and worlds the show has crafted during its long run. Their execution of the source material’s style and humor has been dead on so far and, given the developer’s track record with RPG games, there’s more and more reason to get excited for the possibilities. The only question now is if the game will actually honor its 2013 release date. If so, don’t be surprised if this ends up being a dark horse on some game of the year lists. Posted in: Reviews Tags: Batman: Arkham Origins, best games of 2013, Best games still to come in 2013, Beyond Two Souls, game of the year contenders, games released in 2013, gaming, gaming blogs, gaming news, gaming previews, GTA V, remaining games of 2013, remaining video game releases in 2013, South Park: Stick of Truth, unreleased 2013 video games, unreleased games in 2013, Video Game Blogs, Video Game Features, Video game news, video game previews, Video Games, Watch Dogs
EB Games Employee Hands Out Fake Cocaine;Wins the Internet Posted by Matt Byrd (09/16/2013 @ 7:35 pm) On the eve of what has quickly become the most anticipated video game launch of all time, millions of gamers wait with bated breath for their chance to play Grand Theft Auto V. Given the massive size of the game (Rockstar has said a 100 hour playtime through the story is not unreasonable), many of those same gamers will soon be skipping assignments, missing work, and destroying relationships at a capacity considered admirable by the game’s own detestable protagonists as they welcome a fresh new addiction into their lives. It looks like the addiction may be stronger for some gamers in Australia though, as a user on Reddit has provided a screenshot of an EB Games there where an employee was filling up little ziplock bags of “cocaine” to hand out as a pre-order bonus. Though what exactly the powdered substance is in these bags is unknown, this is a story that is particularly bizarre when you take into account the strict regulation of video game content in Australia. As such, if this story is true (this is the internet overall where the deception flows like wine), it represents a humorous and risque rebellion against proposed moral decency that the GTA series itself would be proud of, even if it is likely the singular action of a soon to be fired employee. Regardless of whether you received a bag of faux Columbian marching powder with it or not, I hope everyone gets their GTA copies without issue, and finds a way to set a little time aside in their lives for a game that looks to have the ability to consume all of it with ease. Those That Downloaded GTA V through Playstation Store Will Have to Wait Just a Little Longer to Install it Posted by Matt Byrd (09/13/2013 @ 12:25 pm)
It’s lately been all quiet in the gaming world, as we all live through the calm before the storm that is the final days before Tuesday’s bombshell release of “GTA V.” While the industry lays low in fear of opposing the gaming juggernaut, we all look to the sky and wait patiently for the arrival of what could very well be the greatest game of this generation. Unfortunately for those who chose to download the game through PS3’s store, the wait may be slightly longer than anticipated. Sony had initially announced that those who download the game through their store would be able to pre-load it starting today, and access it immediately at the stroke of midnight on Tuesday. However, they’ve recently retracted that statement saying that you’ll have to wait until Monday to install the game. It may not sound like a huge deal, but when you take into account the HUGE filesize of this game, and the fact that gamers no longer have the weekend to let it install. Not to mention that since the hype for this game is at critical mass, any announcement of a delay of any time is sure to cause an internet explosion of an unprecedented degree. No explanation of the move has been provided, though it is likely related to the high profile leaks that occurred through PS3 earlier this month. Ultimately those who per-ordered should be able to have the game installed in time for its launch. However, should anything go wrong with that process just a day before, you can expect to hear the cries of anguish from any point on the globe. Posted in: Reviews Tags: download GTA V early, gaming, gaming blogs, gaming news, gta, GTA V, GTA V delays, GTA V leaks, GTA V playstation store, GTA V pre-install, PS3 GTA V, Video Game Blogs, Video game news, Video Games
Grand Theft Auto V Soundtrack Leaked; Vice City Still the Soundtrack King Posted by Matt Byrd (08/24/2013 @ 10:33 am)
Full disclosure here, as this list of leaked GTA V songs are “unconfirmed” and were all snagged through a recent PSN update which apparently gave away the majority of the game’s tracks. It’s a big list complete with some station names, DJ reveals (series regular Lazlow returns, because dude apparently can’t hold a job), and of course a crapload of songs that run a gamut that includes big names (N.W.A, Queen, Johnny Cash…umm…Britney Spears), one hit wonders, and some painfully bad obligatory choices (pretty much the entire Pop station). While it doesn’t feel like a complete list (there’s not near enough radio stations), it is a list that gives the impression that the series will follow the “GTA IV” route of cutting down on big names and instantly recognizable tracks, to instead offer up more of a variety of genres with bands you may not necessarily be familiar with immediately. Or maybe I’m just really out of touch with modern music. In either case, it’s looking like “Vice City” will remain king of “GTA” soundtracks with its incredible variety of 80s’ classics. That’s not really a dig at this music selection, but more of a personal preference as the nature of “GTA’s” chaotic gameplay doesn’t really allow me to focus on the music much while driving and therefore makes the whole “discovering new music angle” kind of a moot point. This could be alleviated if Rockstar allows you to listen to music outside of vehicles this time around, but so far there is no word on cribbing that feature from “Saint’s Row.” Still it’s going to take more than Fergie to derail the “GTA V” hype train, and if this is a slice of the real track list, there are certainly more hits than misses, meaning the “GTA V” hype train keeps rolling, now blasting some pretty sweet tunes as it chugs along to its September 17th release date. Posted in: News Tags: best GTA soundtrack, gaming, gaming blogs, gaming news, grand theft auto, Grand Theft Auto V, gta, GTA music leak, GTA V, GTA V music, GTA V soundtrack, GTA Vice City Soundtrack, Video Game Blogs, Video game news, Video Games