Telltale Wants To Get Serious

Telltale CEO Dan Connors.As VG247 has it, Telltale games is looking to announce some more serious games this October. They’ve made a name for themselves with extremely popular and often hilarious comedy adventure games like Sam & Max and, of course, The Tales Of Monkey Island.

“I think there’ll be some combination of things. I think we’ll be sticking with some of the franchises we’ve worked with, and we’ll be announcing some new franchises, probably in some new genres as well, not just comedy.” That’s from Dan Connors, Telltale’s CEO. Connors also cited TV shows like Lost, The Sopranos, and True Blood, saying that the psychological connection and drama was something viewers really enjoyed – something he thinks gamers would like as well.

Whatever their next project, I can’t wait to hear more. Monkey Island has long been a favorite of mine, and I love what Telltale does. Hopefully they’ll keep up the good work.


Tales Of Monkey Island Continues August 20th

The Siege of Spinner Cay.Telltale has put a date on the successor to their new Tales of Monkey Island game. The next episode in the series, called The Siege of Spinner Cay will be available on August 20th for PC. There’s still no word on the WiiWare release date.

After eight years of waiting we finally have consistent updates to one of my favorite game franchises of all time. I have to say, I’m really liking the episodic release schedule, too. It gives me enough time to finish my current chapter of the game without too much pressure to blow through the whole thing. A few weeks later they release a new episode of the same game, making a smooth transition along the game’s storyline.

Though they didn’t give specific details, Telltale did say the WiiWare release will be close the PC date. No need to fret, Wii-fans. You’ll get yours soon enough.


iPhone is More Powerful Than The Wii

Tales of Monkey Island.
That’s according to a TellTale Games developer by the forum name “Yare,” anyway. He said as much while addressing user concerns about the performance of Tales of Monkey Island on Nintendo’s Wii.

Here are a few of his more interesting thoughts on Wii development:

The voices and textures are the way they are because we’re limited to 40 megs for WiiWare titles. The PC versions of our games are usually 150+ megs, and most modern games range anywhere from one to ten gigabytes or more. Talk to Nintendo about this one.

Frame rate issues will probably get sorted out eventually, but keep in mind that the Wii is just not a powerful console. An iPhone is much more powerful than a Wii, even. The Wii and DS are extremely underpowered and their popularity doesn’t remove the hardware limitations.

He definitely makes a good point regarding the popularity of Nintendo’s devices. Just because they’re popular doesn’t mean they don’t have limitations.

Source: Examiner


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