Portal 2 will release on Mac
Posted by Jeff Morgan (03/07/2010 @ 4:51 pm)
As if the news of Steam coming to Macs weren’t enough, fanboys can rejoice today for more great news from Valve. As the latest issue of Game Informer confirms, Portal 2 is coming and it’s coming to Macs.
The PAL Game Network has scans of the cover story from Game Informer, which shows the basic info about the game – developer, release window, platforms, etc. There isn’t much more information, other than the fact that the game will be incredible. If you haven’t played the original Portal just go buy the Orange Box. It’s easily one of the most enjoyable games I’ve ever played, no lie (the cake on the other hand…). And it all started as a trial.
Luckily for us, Portal 2 will be a full-length game, set to release this fall.
Steam is coming to Macs
Posted by Jeff Morgan (03/04/2010 @ 1:37 am)
Fanboys rejoice! It looks like Steam is finally joining the cult. Six media outlets were given teasers today, all of which came from Valve with some kind of Mac theme. There’s the heavy pictured at right in all his iPod glory. There was also an image of Gordon Freeman with a Mac logo on his chest and a little homage to my favorite Valve game, Portal.
As more consumers consider the Mac alternative to PCs, we’ll see a lot more of this. Gaming is extremely lucrative and publishers aren’t going to stand by and watch as a simple platform choice steals away potential customers. Steam for the Mac isn’t a world-shattering release, though. Will it be a nice choice for Mac users? Of course. But we’ll probably only see Valve titles in the immediate futures, and a lot of the smaller games that make Steam so great won’t make it over for several years, if ever.
This is a step in the right direction, though. Few things would please me as much as playing Portal 2 on my lappy during a flight.
Posted in: Development, News
Tags: apple gaming, heavy, mac, mac gaming, macs, sandvich, steam, steam for mac, steam on mac, tf2, valve
Dragon Age coming to Mac on December 21st
Posted by Jeff Morgan (12/15/2009 @ 4:06 pm)
For a while there I only owned a Mac, so my computer gaming was severely limited. Luckily, Blizzard was always on my side, so I at least had something to play. Mac gamers can rejoice today, as BioWare announced last night that it would be bringing Dragon Age: Origins to the Mac platform on December 21st.
The game will be download only, available from GameTree, Direct2Drive, GamersGate, GameTap and Best Buy. No physical version has been announced. You can get two versions of the game, the Standard and Digital Deluxe at $49.95 and $64.95, respectively. Both versions include the Blood Armor content, and the latter will get you the Warden’s Keep expansion. It’s a pretty sweet deal either way, especially considering we aren’t that far from the game’s launch.
EA’s got the full press release.