Nintendo turns to classics for holiday sales
Nintendo’s made most of its money over the last five years by bucking the norm. That strategy has forced the company into a bit of a niche though, missing most of the blockbuster titles because of an underpowered system. That’s not going to stop it from making money this holiday season. Obviously the console will continue to sell well and Nintendo’s adding a few classic titles to the Virtual Console that are sure to pull in some cash. As Gamespot has it, you’ll be able to get Super Mario Kart, the original Pilotwings, and Super Smash Bros. by the end of the year.
You can get your mitts on Super Mario Kart starting this Monday for 800 Wii points ($8). There’s no word yet on the other titles, but I’d guess they’ll run about the same. I’m most excited for Super Mario Bros out of the three. Pilotwings was more of a technical victory than a great game to me, and Super Mario Kart, though classic, just doesn’t hold a lot of replay for me. Those original Smash Bros. levels, on the other hand, are something I’d just hate to miss.
Source: Gamespot
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Posted in: Nintendo Wii, Previews
Tags: best old games, blockbusters, old school games, old school nintendo games, original mario kart, original smash bros, pilotwings, super mario kart, super nintendo, super smash bros, virtual console