The First GTA:V Details Are On The Way
I’m sure Game Informer editor in chief Andy McNamara is a good guy. Hard working, clean nosed, beloved by friends and small animals, etc.
But today he’s also a real bastard.
According to McNamara’s Twitter account, he is in New York today ready to sit down with a playable version of GTA:V at the invitation of Rockstar. Also according to the feed, this is in preparation for Game Informer’s upcoming December issue where they will most likely blow the lid off of the game with the first real details including, fingers crossed, a possible release date.
GTA is one of those series that has the rare “Beatles” effect where it enjoys the luxury of being both one of the most artistically impressive entrants in its field, as well as one of the most popular. It’s not hard to make the case that it is the definitive game of this generation, and every morsel we’ve gotten about the newest entrant into the series (including those incredible screenshots) has been more tantalizing than the ones that came before it. To think that we will soon know hard information on the game is really giving me that kid at Christmas feeling.
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Tags: Andy McNamara, blogs, Cover Story, game informer, Grand Theft Auto V, GTA:V, News, release date, Video Games