Do you lie about your performance?
I feel like I already know the answer to this question, and even if it was yes, I doubt many people would be willing to admit it. I had a strange thing happen the other day. I got into a game in which a teammate was playing Shaco. I love Shaco, and I think he can do great things for a team if he’s smart. Our Shaco seemed fine, but he just kept saying how great he was with Shaco. He finally said, “guys, I have never lost with Shaco.” My response: “that’s a lie, but no big deal. Play smart, have fun.”
It was probably an unwarranted instigation, but there was just no way that was true. Very few people playing this game can boast a record so significantly over .500 that they would have champions they’ve played quite a bit be undefeated. My teammate proceeded to feed, giving up his double buffs to the enemy Xin Zhao shortly after acquiring them on several occasions. At this point, he deserved a little grief. I said, “First loss, eh?” to which he replied, “Yup, check my profile. I was 16-0 until this game.”
Now why would you say that in a game that makes stats publicly available? My only regret is that I couldn’t check his stats from the lobby to share the info with our team (and our enemies, who he had been goading before the game started). The screenshot shows our friend’s stats. Not only were the 16 wins a complete fabrication, obviously he had lost quite a few ranked games as Shaco as well. I really don’t get why he would not only lie, but initiate the lying. Weird.
So do you lie about your performance in game?
Posted in: league of legends
Tags: in game performance, lying, lying about performance, shaco