I’ve played a lot of Miss Fortune since the most recent patch, probably more than any new champion in recent memory. Her playstyle is much more enjoyable than many of the newer folks (I still just don’t get Galio) but as I mentioned in my impressions post, I think that’s because of her relative strength. After playing her some more, I realize her power actually makes her less fun.
The realization came after a game today in which I was racking up kill after kill after kill. I had been dominating the mid lane, but I wasn’t really having much fun. The reasoning is pretty simple – Miss Fortune isn’t difficult, in any way.
I prefer toons with a little bit of complexity to them. The fact that you can land Double Up without even trying for more damage than most skillshots ungeared is completely absurd. It’s also not fun. The joy of skillshot damage is landing that one hit on a guy that was about to get away. There’s also a lot of fun in dodging the hit that was about to kill you. For all the work Riot has done to reduce the RNG for toons like Gangplank, why introduce a toon whose baseline skill is an RNG for the second hit? Add to it the fact that Double Up forces you to either take damage from that big shot, or get harassed while she darts in and out of creep range from her passive. It’s not fun to play against and really, I don’t think it’s all that fun to play. I can almost hear the frustration of the other team.
I hope she gets some serious reworks. My best option is turning off her passive in combat. It’s good enough for getting across the map, it doesn’t need to so severely wreck the laning metagame, too.
Posted in: Champions, league of legends
Tags: best passive, gangplank, ganking, laning, miss fortune, miss fortune nerf, miss fortune op, miss fortune up, passive