C64 Is Off The App Store Again
Just a day after it was approved, C64 is once again off the app store. The developer foolishly left the feature that got the app rejected in the first place, the BASIC interpreter, in the application, just hidden like Yelp’s “monocle” feature. A few keystrokes and the interpreter was back up and running, and, of course, Apple heard about it.
So the app is back off the App Store until further notice. Why the C64 developer thought he would get away with it is beyond. Yelp got away with “monocle” because it didn’t allow you to do anything prohibited by the developer ToS. This, on the other hand, is strictly forbidden, whether it’s hidden or not. The developer issued the following statement:
Unfortunately Apple this night pulled the C64 App from the App Store. We had agreed with Apple to remove basic from the application, but as we believed it would be possible to convince Apple to let it in later on, we left it in the app to be activated remotely by us when we had “go” from Apple.
Clearly it wasn’t going to be remotely activated. It was activated by the user. Think this one through next time guys. It’s not that complicated.
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Posted in: Mobile Gaming, News
Tags: apple, best old games, c64, c64 app, c64 banned again, c64 emulator, c64 pulled, classic games, classic gaming, commodore 64, iPhone, iphone app store, iphone emulator, iphone games, joystick games, older games, pp store, retro gaming