Fizz Impressions

Fizz splash.

Since the release of Skyrim I haven’t been playing a ton of LoL, but I’ve picked up a few games with Fizz. I was actually pretty excited about Fizz. It’s been a while since we’ve seen a silly champion release, and the classic sword-wielding heroes were getting stale. Also, he summons a shark, which is pretty awesome.

He also has a couple abilities that seem problematic, though. A skill that makes him untargetable that is also a double dash. A percentage-based DoT that gives no indication to the targeted player of what is happening. But…there’s also the shark, which is just really cool. I think Riot had a good idea for a champion but caved a bit on his design with the whole triple dash thing. I’m not trying to say he’s OP but I do think he’s pretty strong and damn frustrating to play against.

He’s fun to play, too, which helps. I know it’s not his most effective build, but I really like attack speed on him. I take a Malady, which gives his Seastone Trident some serious shredding power. I’ve had several fights in which my target thought they had me, but the knockup from my shark buddy and my various DoTs suddenly overwhelm them.

One of Fizz’s great strengths is obviously his mobility. His Playful/Trickster (why this skill needed two names is beyond me) has an 8-second cooldown at max rank, which gives him a lot of survivability and quite a few dashes. That the skill can also dodge projectiles means he can escape most skirmishes without much trouble.

If you want to play a highly mobile champion that doesn’t build Warmog’s/Atma’s, check out Fizz. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of his ratios tweaked in the near future, but if he gets nerfed at all, it likely won’t be very big.


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